So I have been wrecked as of lately. Just reading through the gospel of Luke and hearing the actual words of Jesus. How intense they are. Words people can sometimes and a lot of the time ignore or get offended by. Words we take lightly, myself included. Some where in our church history we have tamed down the words of Jesus, and yet we call our selves followers of Jesus. Jesus says there are two paths we can follow, one is easy and wide and the other is narrow and hard. One leads to destruction and the other leads to life. But how many of us are actually on the narrow path that Jesus calls us too. If we actually get deep down to it and are honest with ourselves, are we really on that narrow path, being obedient to what Jesus tells us?
A lot of us say we are following Jesus, but ask yourself this question. If I wasn't a Christian, would my life look any different. I don't just mean reading the bible and praying, but the way we live our lives. How about right now as you call yourself a follower of Jesus, would people who don't know Jesus look at your life and say you are different? Would they see a light in you? Have we ever stopped and realized what Jesus says? He says we can't have both the wide and easy path and the narrow and hard path. We can't hang on to our sin and then have a little Jesus over here. He says, "Any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:33. He says in Luke 17:33, "Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it." He says the narrow path is hard but it leads to life. Yet we keep going on to our sin and spitting in the face of Jesus. We keep going back to materialistic things and letting those things be our treasure, rather that God and his glory being our treasure. How disgusting is this. And before I go on I don't want to sound like I'm judging, but I'm in the same boat and I'm coming to the point where I can't just sit back and continue to want Jesus and my old life. It's time to stand up into who God is calling me to be and all of us to stand who God has called us to be.
Jesus tells us not to be luke warm, and that he would rather us be either hot or cold. That he is ready to spit us out of his mouth if we are living in luke warm Christianity. He says this in Revelation 3:14-22. But he says this because He loves us. He says in that same passage that "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent." See he rebukes us and tells us of the down right ugly things in our lives, yet He tells us these things because He loves us and wouldn't want anyone of us to be thrown into Hell for eternity. It may seem like this is harsh language, but this is the Jesus of the bible. But you must see that He loves you! He says the narrow path is hard, but it leads to life. He is offering life because the things on the wide and easy path of the world will only lead to destruction. And Jesus wants us to be with Him in His glory.
Lets stop this nonsense and follow Him, truly! Because it really is the only way to life. He is the God who created us and could crush us at any moment, yet He offered us a way out by giving His Son! Lets stop spitting in His face coming up with excuses of why we can hold on to our sin or what we want, and take the free gift that He offers and give our lives to Him! I'm going for this thing. The Lord has so much he wants to give us. So many good plans for our lives. He is the only thing I want to live for because he leads to life, and everything else leads to destruction.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Spritual Attacks
So, I have really noticed when your on fire for the Lord and actually live life for Christ, the enemy really likes to attack you. When you choose to go against the tide and the sin you usually were falling into, and choose to be free and let God change your cravings, the enemy wants to put fear into you so you go back into the same old stuff.
Last night was really weird. I was sleeping on and off, probably the worst sleep I've ever gotten in my life. I woke up really early in the morning when I'm usually still sleeping. I woke up super uncomfortable and no matter what position I tried to get in, it just wouldn't get better. I was still tired but just couldn't sleep. I've known from past experiences in my life, that usually when I can't sleep, the Lord either wants to speak to me or wants me to start praying. So I got up and started praying for my family that the Lord would protect them and draw us even more to His heart. And that with people that aren't really seeking him, that He would bless them and watch over them, and also draw them to His heart.Then after that I went right to sleep. It's amazing how that works! However, also from past experiences, I've noticed when something like this happens to me and the Lord wants me to pray for my family and friends for protection, I usually have an unusual experience with the enemy. I had this dream (however it felt really real as it was happening) and someone I knew came to the door of my room to wake me up telling me that I had to get up and get ready for something. I woke up, but it was like i was paralyzed and couldn't move or talk. I could only get out the slightest whisper. And could move barely. I was trying desperately to let this person at the door know that something was pinning me to my bed, so they could help me but that wasn't getting anywhere. I then managed to kind of roll to the edge of the bed when I fell off onto the floor and started com pulsing and shaking. But it was too late because the person already left the doorway to my room and didn't see me hit the ground. But they were in the other room doing laundry or something telling me goodbye because they had to be somewhere. I was trying to scream for them and their name, but it only came out as a gentle whisper. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get out of this or get the other persons attention. I was helpless. I also was saying "help Jesus" as best I could. Then I woke up in the same position I was in in that dream and could hear someone doing laundry, the same as it was in my dream. It was at the moment I woke up that I relaxed because I could move just fine and that it was just a dream.
This was definitely an attack from the enemy, I believe to bring me fear so that I would just give in to the same old sin. I was choosing freedom in Christ and the enemy was trying to fear me into giving up. I know this was an attack because this has happened before in the same situations. Last year when I choose freedom, the same paralyzing experience happened, only I don't remember it being a dream, but as if it really happened. That time I felt very fearful. And it also happened when I first became alive in Christ, and started living for Him, when I was still in high school. The previous times I was pretty fearful of this. But this time because I knew what the enemy was trying to do, it didn't scare me! I knew the enemy didn't like what I was up to and the freedom I was choosing in Christ, so I called it out and said, you don't have any authority in the name of Jesus! And then I went right back to bed knowing that Jesus was my protector and would hold me tight. It was awesome. Before, in the past, I wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep after an experience like that. But this time I was at peace because I know Jesus is much more greater than the enemy!
So, know that when your doing the right thing and are living for Christ and going against the ways of this world, the enemy will try and take you out because He fears what you will become in Jesus. But, hold strong, for the Lord is with you and he is much bigger than the enemy. He is always with you. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Usually when you get attacked, you can tell your on the right path with the Lord.
Last night was really weird. I was sleeping on and off, probably the worst sleep I've ever gotten in my life. I woke up really early in the morning when I'm usually still sleeping. I woke up super uncomfortable and no matter what position I tried to get in, it just wouldn't get better. I was still tired but just couldn't sleep. I've known from past experiences in my life, that usually when I can't sleep, the Lord either wants to speak to me or wants me to start praying. So I got up and started praying for my family that the Lord would protect them and draw us even more to His heart. And that with people that aren't really seeking him, that He would bless them and watch over them, and also draw them to His heart.Then after that I went right to sleep. It's amazing how that works! However, also from past experiences, I've noticed when something like this happens to me and the Lord wants me to pray for my family and friends for protection, I usually have an unusual experience with the enemy. I had this dream (however it felt really real as it was happening) and someone I knew came to the door of my room to wake me up telling me that I had to get up and get ready for something. I woke up, but it was like i was paralyzed and couldn't move or talk. I could only get out the slightest whisper. And could move barely. I was trying desperately to let this person at the door know that something was pinning me to my bed, so they could help me but that wasn't getting anywhere. I then managed to kind of roll to the edge of the bed when I fell off onto the floor and started com pulsing and shaking. But it was too late because the person already left the doorway to my room and didn't see me hit the ground. But they were in the other room doing laundry or something telling me goodbye because they had to be somewhere. I was trying to scream for them and their name, but it only came out as a gentle whisper. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get out of this or get the other persons attention. I was helpless. I also was saying "help Jesus" as best I could. Then I woke up in the same position I was in in that dream and could hear someone doing laundry, the same as it was in my dream. It was at the moment I woke up that I relaxed because I could move just fine and that it was just a dream.
This was definitely an attack from the enemy, I believe to bring me fear so that I would just give in to the same old sin. I was choosing freedom in Christ and the enemy was trying to fear me into giving up. I know this was an attack because this has happened before in the same situations. Last year when I choose freedom, the same paralyzing experience happened, only I don't remember it being a dream, but as if it really happened. That time I felt very fearful. And it also happened when I first became alive in Christ, and started living for Him, when I was still in high school. The previous times I was pretty fearful of this. But this time because I knew what the enemy was trying to do, it didn't scare me! I knew the enemy didn't like what I was up to and the freedom I was choosing in Christ, so I called it out and said, you don't have any authority in the name of Jesus! And then I went right back to bed knowing that Jesus was my protector and would hold me tight. It was awesome. Before, in the past, I wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep after an experience like that. But this time I was at peace because I know Jesus is much more greater than the enemy!
So, know that when your doing the right thing and are living for Christ and going against the ways of this world, the enemy will try and take you out because He fears what you will become in Jesus. But, hold strong, for the Lord is with you and he is much bigger than the enemy. He is always with you. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. Usually when you get attacked, you can tell your on the right path with the Lord.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
What has been going on in my life?
I am currently in Eau Claire, Wisconsin in a waiting and preparation season. I was living in Kansas City, MO for about 4 months or so being a part of the IHOP (International House of PRAYER) and the community, when I felt the Lord tug on my heart and have me move back and go back to Bethel University, where I was going last year. I went to Kansas City/IHOP saying it was God's plan and that he told me to go, but really the motives of my heart were to do what I wanted, to get trained by God in the way I wanted to. It doesn't take very long before God shows you it doesn't work that way. Yes, I was going there to seek God. I really was! but that was not where I was called to in this point in my life, although God really blessed me there and taught me a ton of things. But the thing God revealed to me was that I didn't want to be in a great place, part of a great ministry, which is truly blessed, but that I want to be in the place He has for me because that is where he will move in my life the most. I love IHOP and they are a very blessed place and they have and still are impacting my life.
Something else He taught me at IHOP was that no matter what choice we make (because God does let us make choices) He will never leave us and will use those choices for His and our good because he loves us that much. He will eventually turn us back around into the right direction if we are willing to listen to Him and be obedient. Him turning me around back in the right direction is Him showing me that he really does care for me and the plan He has for my life! I think it took me going to Kansas City/IHOP to really appreciate where God wants me to be. Because now I am more excited because I am confident that Jesus will reveal to me his heart and use me even more, where he has called me to be. Maybe, if I wouldn't have gone to IHOP, this wouldn't have happened and I would have longed to still go to IHOP where I am not supposed be right now. I would have still been confused.
Last year, I was really excited and confident going to Bethel because I know without a doubt he told me to go there to prepare me to be a missionary. I was pumped and was ready for the promises God gave me. He blessed me with some awesome brothers and sisters in Christ. We spent a lot of time there praying and worshiping together and seeking God's will for our lives and where He wanted the campus to go. It was great and it encouraged me so much. I felt more a live there and God was moving in me so much. But then I got somewhat distracted wishing I was in a different place. I heard the IHOP message and wanted to live that life, so I decided to go there instead of Bethel the following year. But God turned me around and said, "you don't have to be at IHOP in Kansas City to live that message. You can be at Bethel where I have called you and live that same message. You can use that message where you are." I think sometimes we get so excited sometimes about different ministries and places, that we want to go do everything we see that is good, but completely forget about the place God has prepared for us and called us to. That's how I am anyways. But those different ministries and movements and teachings can be a part of anywhere. They are there to help us where God has called us. It's not about the place but about God. God is not just over their, but here as well because He lives in us and will never leave us. So, now I'm ready to be at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN and get trained the way the Lord wants to train me. I'm excited and can't wait to see what the Holy Spirit reveals to me and does through me!
I mentioned earlier that I am in a waiting and preparation season. This is because I am living at home in Eau Claire, WI waiting for Bethel University to get clear up everything so I can be enrolled again their. I am shooting for this spring semester, Lord willing and could use some prayers about the process. Although I am waiting to go back to Bethel, Jesus has been preparing my heart hear the place I will always called home. He setting me free of somethings that have always gotten in the way of my relationship with Him and what He has been wanting to do in my life. It's refreshing because I have all the time in the world to be in worship, prayer, and to study God's word. Although sometimes I get board because I have a lot of free time but I am thankful for this pause before school again. It's a great opportunity to sit still and hear the Lords voice about what He is doing and wants to do in my heart and the people around me.
All glory to Jesus Christ, my Savior and King!
Something else He taught me at IHOP was that no matter what choice we make (because God does let us make choices) He will never leave us and will use those choices for His and our good because he loves us that much. He will eventually turn us back around into the right direction if we are willing to listen to Him and be obedient. Him turning me around back in the right direction is Him showing me that he really does care for me and the plan He has for my life! I think it took me going to Kansas City/IHOP to really appreciate where God wants me to be. Because now I am more excited because I am confident that Jesus will reveal to me his heart and use me even more, where he has called me to be. Maybe, if I wouldn't have gone to IHOP, this wouldn't have happened and I would have longed to still go to IHOP where I am not supposed be right now. I would have still been confused.
Last year, I was really excited and confident going to Bethel because I know without a doubt he told me to go there to prepare me to be a missionary. I was pumped and was ready for the promises God gave me. He blessed me with some awesome brothers and sisters in Christ. We spent a lot of time there praying and worshiping together and seeking God's will for our lives and where He wanted the campus to go. It was great and it encouraged me so much. I felt more a live there and God was moving in me so much. But then I got somewhat distracted wishing I was in a different place. I heard the IHOP message and wanted to live that life, so I decided to go there instead of Bethel the following year. But God turned me around and said, "you don't have to be at IHOP in Kansas City to live that message. You can be at Bethel where I have called you and live that same message. You can use that message where you are." I think sometimes we get so excited sometimes about different ministries and places, that we want to go do everything we see that is good, but completely forget about the place God has prepared for us and called us to. That's how I am anyways. But those different ministries and movements and teachings can be a part of anywhere. They are there to help us where God has called us. It's not about the place but about God. God is not just over their, but here as well because He lives in us and will never leave us. So, now I'm ready to be at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN and get trained the way the Lord wants to train me. I'm excited and can't wait to see what the Holy Spirit reveals to me and does through me!
I mentioned earlier that I am in a waiting and preparation season. This is because I am living at home in Eau Claire, WI waiting for Bethel University to get clear up everything so I can be enrolled again their. I am shooting for this spring semester, Lord willing and could use some prayers about the process. Although I am waiting to go back to Bethel, Jesus has been preparing my heart hear the place I will always called home. He setting me free of somethings that have always gotten in the way of my relationship with Him and what He has been wanting to do in my life. It's refreshing because I have all the time in the world to be in worship, prayer, and to study God's word. Although sometimes I get board because I have a lot of free time but I am thankful for this pause before school again. It's a great opportunity to sit still and hear the Lords voice about what He is doing and wants to do in my heart and the people around me.
All glory to Jesus Christ, my Savior and King!
Hey People!
Hi, so I thought I would start a blog. In this blog I will be talking about my walk with God and what He is doing in my life, and what He has been speaking to my heart.
You can feel free to comment anytime, on what I have written! I will probably have spelling and punctuating errors, just to let you know and you don't need to comment on those. Haha.
You can feel free to comment anytime, on what I have written! I will probably have spelling and punctuating errors, just to let you know and you don't need to comment on those. Haha.
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